We want to hear from youNothing replaces a personal meeting. But we would like to be prepared before you decide to meet with us. If you like, please submit a few details about the issues you want to discuss or send an inquiry for us to answer via email.
Thank you. We look forward to seeing you. (NOTE 1: There is no financial obligation towards the first meeting, nor a time duration. You can ask anything at the meeting and seek any advice. If you decide to hire us, you will also get this in writing, with a clear and straightforward analysis of costs). (NOTE 2: We will not use your email for any reason than to contact you regarding your inquiry. We will not forward your email to any associate without your approval.). |
PHYSICAL ADDRESSLOCATION: 13 Mourouzi , suite 1, 1055, Nicosia, CYPRUS
hours:M-F: 9am - 6pm
telephone00357 99 476722